Sunday, December 29, 2019

Innovative Design Simulation Challenge Entries Being Accepted Through May 31

Innovative Design Simulation Challenge Entries Being Accepted Through May 31 Innovative Design Simulation Challenge Entries Being Accepted Through May 31 Innovative Design Simulation Challenge Entries Being Accepted Through May 31 There are only a few more weeks for students to enter the ASME Innovative Design Simulation Challenge (IDSC), a new competition that gives mechanical engineering and multi-disciplinary undergraduate students from around the world the chance to showcase their skills in developing and deploying simulations or simulation frameworks and environments. The deadline to register is May 31.The IDSC is a venue for students to showcase their knowledge and creativity while addressing a broad spectrum of academic, industrial, manufacturing and humanitarian challenges. The simulations entered by students should enable the prediction of models capturing systemic or service behavior for the needs of product or service design, maintenance, qualification or certificat ion in all areas of engineering innovation. The 12 finalists chosen by a reviewing committee will present their entries to a panel of judges at the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), to be held Aug. 17-20 in Buffalo, N.Y. Two $2,000 prizes will be awarded in each of the IDSCs three categories custom, open and commercial simulations. Other prizes include $1,000 honoraria and complimentary five-year ASME memberships for selected team faculty member advisors, as well as travel subsidies for semi-finalists to attend the Challenge finals in Buffalo. The Challenge is open to individual students or teams of up three members. The 12 IDSC finalists will be announced by June 30. For more information on the ASME Innovative Design Simulation Challenge, or to register, visit https//

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

3 requirements for success according to science and billionaires

3 requirements for success according to science and billionaires3 requirements for success according to science and billionairesAccording to the Expectancy Theory of Motivation, three things must occur for a person to be deeply and fully motivated toward their goals.If you have these three things, youll be pulled toward something that truly excites you. Youll have the confidence of a plan that you can execute. Youll regularly create small wins that ripple into bigger wins.3 requirements to unstoppable motivationYou must believe the reward (the WHY) of a particular goal is important, meaningful, and compelling.You must believe that you know how (clear strategies/plans/people) to achieve your goal.You must believe that you can execute the plans, strategies, and pivoting involved in achieving the goal.These are the big three which you must have to succeed at any level. Interestingly, long before Expectancy Theory existed, the billionaire H.L. Hunt saidThere are only three requirements f or success. First, decide exactly what it is you want in life. Second, determine the price that you are going to have to pay to get the things you want. And third, and this is most important, resolve to pay that price.Heres how it works1. Decide exactly what you want and whyThe bigger the why the easier the how. - Jim RohnYour goal or desired outcome needs to be truly desirable. You need to really want it and have compelling reasons for wanting it.Jim Rohn once said, Reasons come first, answers come second. You need reasons for doing something. Those reasons are your WHY.The mora reasons you can give yourself for accomplishing something, the mora motivated you will be. These reasons, when powerful, become NEEDS. For example, look at your life right now.Most people look at their current income as a product of their situation or capability. In reality, your current income is based on how much you believe you need.If you needed more, youd make more. If you needed to make an extra $50, 000 in the next 6 months because the situation or your dreams demanded it, youd be surprised what you could come up with. Necessity is the mother of invention.Your current level of income reflects the size of your reasons. Most people have this backward. They work so they can make money. When you have compelling reasons, you make money so you can do more work. The work is sweet because you have very specific and powerful reasons for doing it.If you can make your reasons bigger, more exciting, and personally meaningful to you, then youll start to conceptualize clear goals.The bigger your reasons, the bigger your needs. If you have big goals, youll need more resources, a kollektiv of people to help you, and probably lots more income.According to marketing legend, Jay Abraham, there is zero correlation between being good at something and making money. There are a lot of very talented people who dont have enough reasons to take their work and life to the next level.Although there is zer o correlation between being good and making money, there is a direct correlation between marketing and making money. The more compelling your reasons become for achieving a particular goal, the more willing youll be to get the word out and to succeed.How big do you want to play?How deep are your reasons to achieve your vision?How compelling are the rewards?How willing are you to learn and become?You cannot be motivated without a clear vision and reasons for that vision. But clarifying that vision takes work and patience. It takes exploration and asking yourself some really hard questions.Getting clear on a vision that matters to you requires spending lots of time by yourself and disconnecting from all of the noise around you. A deeply compelling WHY has to be more than just maintaining prior success or beating other people.You need to have something that is intrinsic. You can increase the velocity and pace of your success through extrinsic motivators. But the driving force must be s omething that is very personal to you. Something that you feel is your mission and purpose in life. Once you can get there, and once you can see it, then it is your obligation to begin sprinting toward it.It truly doesnt matter how big it is. You need to get as many data-points as you can from people who have done something somewhat similar. If someone has done EXACTLY what you want to do, you should check yourself. Youre probably pursuing someone elses goal. But similarity with others is to be expected. And you can use them as data points to plot your own course.2. Determine the price you will have to payWhatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. - Napoleon HillWhen you can conceive a goal and you have deep reasons for achieving that goal, your next step is to believe in the vision.You cannot believe in your vision without a thoughtful and strategic plan. For example, if you have the goal of making $10 Million Dollars but have never made more than $50,000 per year , then it doesnt matter how compelling your reasons are, you probably wont believe you can.You may talk a really good talk. But deep down, youll either be lying to yourself or naive to the reality of your situation.Being naive isnt a bad thing. But in order to truly believe you can do something big, you need to get educated. You need context into what will really be required. And you need to start succeeding even in small ways toward your goals.23 years is a really powerful span of time to make enormous progress toward a vision. In 23 years, you can become a 1000000aire. As Dean Graziosi once said, I got to 10 million by saying Yes, and I got to 100 million by saying, No. The more clear you become on your target, the better equipped youll become to find solutions. Having a WHY isnt enough. You need HOWs and WHOs to help you achieve that vision.If you dont have strategies and people and resources - or ways to get resources - then you wont be motivated and you wont achieve your goal s.If you have something you really want to do, it is your responsibility to get the gameplan in place. Robin Sharma has said, The bigger the dream, the more important to the team.In the incredible book, Scale or Fail, Allison Maslan provides the following 5 Stage frameworkStage 1 - THE SEEKER You rule and run the domain. In fact, you are the domain. You create, sell, implement, do and are responsible for everything.Stage 2 - THE PIONEER You have one to a small handful of employees. You begin to delegate but are still approving everything that comes in and out of your company.Stage 3 - THE RINGLEADER It can feel like a circus at times You begin building small teams (e.g., admin, custom service, marketing). At this stage, you are really getting clear on your vision. You are leading team meetings and developing systems and processes. Youre spread way too thin. People are still not clear on what their roles are.Stage 4 - THE CO-CREATOR You begin to recruit or promote team leaders to co-create the solutions and brainstorm the new ideas and opportunities. Your people become just as committed as you to your vision and begin asking How can we delight our customers? How can we innovate? How can we increase revenue?Stage 5 - THE VISIONARY At this stage of the game, they dont need you. You have great people in place who are devoted and committed to the vision. You step back from meetings and stop providing your two cents. You let go of the day-to-day and focus exclusively on the big picture.It doesnt matter if youre an entrepreneur or not. This 5-stage framework is very instructive.At each stage, you need a new gameplan. If you dont have the gameplan of going from Stage 1 to Stage 2, then you wont get there.Lots of people imagine themselves at Stage 5 when they dont even know how to get out of Stage 1 or 2.Whatever your goal is, you need to develop a plan. You need strategies to get from where you are to where you want to go. Once you ascend to a certain level, youl l need to re-define the WHY - your reasons for what youre doing. They should get bigger and bigger along the way because if it continues to grow, it will involve increasing numbers of people. It will also impact increasing numbers of people through the work you do.Without plans and people, you cant be motivated. You cant achieve big goals. Having a WHY is not enough. You need HOWs and WHOs. Or as Dan Sullivan puts it, you need WHOs to take care of the HOWs.3. Resolve to pay the priceAccording to psychologys Hope Theory, hope reflects your perceptions regarding your capacity toClearly conceptualize goalsDevelop the specific strategies to reach those goals (i.e., pathways thinking)Initiate and sustain the motivation for executing those strategiesThis theory is very similar to Expectancy Theory, which this entire article is based upon.The idea is simple, you need to have a clearly defined goal that is meaningful to you. You then need clear plans and strategies for reaching that goal. You need to truly believe the strategies (and people) will actually get the job done.Which brings us to this final point - you need to believe YOU can execute this.It doesnt matter if the WHY is powerful. It doesnt matter if you have all of the best strategies. If you dont believe you can execute, then you will self-sabotage.You need to believe you can execute the plans and strategies youve developed. You need to believe you can lead the mission - if leadership is required for what you seek to do.You need to be completely committed to becoming whatever it takes to achieve your dreams. If your dreams are big, you will be required to change. As Albert Einstein put it, The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.Youll need to expand and grow into your vision. And actually, thats one of the primary reasons to have a huge vision - to transform you into the type of person who can make it happen.Yes, you can expand and grow. You can develop capacities and skills. You can adapt to challenging circumstances and do stuff youve never done before.You can become comfortable in new and unknown territories.You can become a person of confidence and faith who is willing to put their stake in their ground.You get to this level of conviction by investing fulling into what you believe in. You need to get clear on what matters to you.You need to care enough about your dreams to grow beyond your petty fears and self-image. Youll need to get good at marketing and leadership. Youll need to care enough about your vision to learn what works and how to spread the message- rather than solely remaining a starving artist filled with good ideas about how other people are doing things wrong.You can do all of this.ConclusionWhatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. You can become more imaginative than children.You can develop incredibly creative and thoughtful and fun ideas and solutions and dreams. You can grow and expand into a legendary and beautiful pe rson as you evolve through these dreams. As you painstakingly BECOME, learn, grow, lead, and share.Do you have these 3 things?A clear goal with compelling REASONSClear and specific plans you believe will lead to the completion of your goalThe belief that you can execute on those plansAt every stage of your growth, you will have to revisit these big 3. Youll need to continually hone and improve them.As your WHY gets bigger, the HOW will get easier. It will get easier because increasingly, your vision will be pulling you forward. Youll be so committed and in flow that the HOW will begin taking care of itself.This is a beautiful way to live, and you can apply it to all levels of achievement.You gain confidence in yourself through action. You must take steps forward now. You must begin learning what you dont know and unlearning whats holding you back. You need to transform and become more than you currently are.Ready to upgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK- STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Concierge Resume Sample

Customize this Outstanding Concierge Resume SampleCustomize this Outstanding Concierge Resume SampleCreate Resume Cathy Carter100 Broadway LaneNew Parkland, CA, 91010Cell (555) 987-1234example-emailexample.comProfessional Summary Guest-focused Concierge with in depth knowledge of hotel services as well as entertainment and other availabilities in community. Well-honed guest relations skills that include ability to multi-task in dealing with simultaneous guest requests. Creative thinker with ability to proactively develop meaningful solutions for guests.Core QualificationsCommunity eventsGuest relations skillsCommunicator and facilitatorNetworked with entertainment venuesTechnically savvyTeam playerExperience March 2010 to October 2012 Sun Resort- New Cityland, CA ConciergeOversaw concierge desk at major resort.Direct contact with guests with a variety of on and off property needs.Assisted guests with all types of transportation issues to and from resort.Received employee of the mont h designation six times. October 2012 to January 2014 Hilton Hotel- New Cityland, CA ConciergeStaffed concierge desk at 500 room hotel in urban center.Responsible for providing an array of different types of guest services.Assisted guests in resolving travel related problems.Networked with other businesses in the community, including entertainment venues and restaurants. January 2014 to Present Marriott Hotel- New Cityland, CA ConciergeManaged concierge staff at major high end hotel property.Oversaw staff of five.Direct contact with guests to assist them with a variety of travel and stay related needs.Recognized as employee of the year.Education 2009 University of California, New Cityland, CA Bachelor of Arts, Hospitality ManagementCustomize Resume

Sunday, December 15, 2019

From Resume to Interview How to be the Problem Solving Candidate

From Resume to Interview How to be the Problem Solving Candidate From Resume to Interview How to be the Problem Solving Candidate Regardless of how you think about the recruitment process, theres only one reason a company should choose you over other candidates you are the right person to solve their problems.With this in mind, you have to approach your job search thinking that your success as an employee will be measured not only by how well you do but also how you go above what you are asked to do. Its all about the problems you solve.If you want to win in the job market, you need to tailor your communications, whether written or oral, to the problems youd be hired to solve.Why Is Problem-Solving Important in Your Job Search?In the fruchtwein saturated job markets, landing your dream job at a company you like sounds like a utopia. Top employersnot only use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen the applicants skills and qualifications, but they look for the candidates who have the best understanding of their operations.Most people dont bother putting themselves in the shoes of the employer. But, with a little research, you can market yourself as someone who knows the problems of your industry- even those of the company youre applying to.By doing so, youll be a much stronger candidate and boost your chances of getting hired.How to Be a Problem-Solving ExpertThe first step toward making your candidacy problem-solving oriented is by having a firm grasp of your industry. Not only should you be 100% knowledgeable about the job youll be performing, but you should be able to understand whats going on at the managerial level and the types of problems your future employers face on a daily basis.For this reason, reading business management books that pertain to your industry is one of the best things you can do. Theyll provide you with the specific language that you need to convince recruiters and managers that they would be crazy not to hire you. Amazon is a great place to start.Once youve tailored your resume according to the job description and industry using resume keywords, you need to show that you see beyond your daily tasks and are capable of solving problems. Your cover letter gives you the opportunity to elude to past accomplishments, initiatives and targeted skills in a way that suggests how youre going to make a difference.To be convincing, you need to point out concrete issues and link them to past accomplishments.For example, organizations that develop accounting software for small- and medium-sized companies care about leads generation, besucherzahlen conversion, and churn reduction. Youll want to build accomplishments around these topics, emphasizing the managerial point of view. If you can show employers convincingly how youll locate their product in an industry where features, price ranges, and compatibility make users switch from one service to another, youll have a strong case.One way to learn whats most important is to an alyze the job description and your resume with Jobscan. This will tell you what skills and abilities are most important to the job and whether or not your resume addresses them.How to Broadcast Your Future SuccessNumbers are great to quantify your past accomplishments but they mean nothing unless they relate to the challenges youll be facing at the prospective company.When writing your resume, dont merely quantify your past successes- make them resonate for the company. For example, instead of only writing by what percentage you increased your former employers sales, mention what framework or method you used and allude to what problem led you to choose this strategy.If you have unique skills or knowledge, like training in psychology, put it forward and describe what types of problems it helps you resolve. This angle will make you stand out as a high-value candidate, which may be a difference maker. But make sure to point out why this skill or knowledge matters to the company youre t argeting.If youre looking for a realtor position, for example, psychology training combined with the right credentials is a great asset because the home-buying process is an important decision.In other words, your resume and cover letter need to be specific about how youre going to help this particular company solve their unique set of issues.Your candidacy should be a no-brainerWhile you want to present yourself as a problem-solver throughout the entire hiring process, it is perhaps most important during its final stages.The interview is your opportunity to show the value youll bring to the company. You can bring a plan with your ideas or ask specific questions about the company at the end of the interview.This tactic will give you the opportunity to speak about your capacity to solve the companys problems in a more thorough way than you might have otherwise.Sometimes the recruiters questions dont allow you to make your case the way you want. And sometimes you just fail to answer t hem accurately because you dont have enough time to think.However, if you can take it upon yourself to showcase your strengths and unique value by giving them a proposal, or by asking smart questions in the interview, you will come off as a strong candidate. Show what you can do for them and how you will do it.Your follow-up should be no exception. It should mention something that you discussed that you feel excited about and relate to your strengths. If you show them more than what other applicants do, they wont face a difficult decision.For example, if youve talked about sales strategies, you can tell your interviewer that youre looking forward to using your storytelling skills to help them increase their sales.Next stepsResume optimization toolLinkedIn optimization tool52 Resume Tips

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Insider Secrets of What Are References in a Resume

The Insider Secrets of What Are References in a Resume What Are References in a Resume Fundamentals Explained After obtaining a degree in the necessary field, youd be in a position to receive a better job position and salary, very similar to other careers, such as teaching or company. Now you have your work description accessible, you might actually begin searching for individuals with the required qualifications, experience, and skill. If you were called for another interview by a possible employer, youre one step closer to securing the job. fruchtwein people today realize resumes and job applications cannot be trusted. Folks are not suited for every job. Businesses have not analyzed what it requires to be prosperous in each and every job. A paper reference is chiefly needed when youre a fresh graduate. The papers ought to be proof read in buchen to make sure they are free from any mistakes. Research papers are intended to evaluate and assess the comprehension of students in some specific topics. Youd be amazed at what nuggets of helpful news and data you will discover buried within. A sample letter is rather helpful in the event youre at your wits end about ways to approach a prospective employer when you are searching for work. To prevent a possible late arrival, its always an excellent idea to earn a sincere effort to understand where you need to go well ahead of the interview day. A background check is done by a business to look at your credibility as an employee. Proactive efforts are created by granting scholarships and mentors in order to mold the candidate based on the organizations requirements. Resume is constructed with distinctive sections. Resume references will assist the employer to understand your efficiency and your behavioral attitude at work environment. The Key to Successful What Are References in a Resume The former work experience section should incorporate details about the duration, name of the organization and desig nation. You should get three or more references in order to acquire a great job. The work application procedure varies as per the kind of position that youre applying for. The chronological resume format is something which nearly every employer and job seeker is familiarized with, and is thought to be among the most easiest and simplest of resume formats. Some employers may want to know whether your skills are current. To begin with, though it is appealing to realize a certification in a specific specialization, you dont have to start by registering for an official course. Thus experience in the specialty is vital, before you take a leap. Your experience, educational qualifications, and skill set are a few of the most essential things you will want to concentrate on. Ultimately, buying certification really should be considered an intelligent investment not an expense. Every employee in a little business has a huge effect on performance, company culture and the most import ant thing. Numerous savvy businesses have discovered tremendous success with offering their employees just a little more than the competitive pace. Before putting your company funds to work on anything, you ought to make yourself an expert. For a good comprehension of how to compose a high quality research paper, theres a need to have a very clear comprehension of how the papers are being written. A resume containing errors, however minimal, will present your prospective employer an impression you do not have attention to detail, you dont take time to double check your work, and that youre a bad communicator. In case youre looking for somebody who can write one for you, you have to decide on a person that youre on good terms with and know well for a great quantity of time. You need to be a sensitive and observant person to comprehend whats going through the tender mind of a kid. Simply bear in mind the function of the letter, and whom youre writing it for. In addition, when y ou get there, dont forget to produce another effort to be good to the man greeting you at the front desk. Under no circumstance should you forge a paper reference because it could get caught and youll drop the chance. The value of matching the work description to the proper temperament style cant be overstated. The Ideal Strategy for What Are References in a Resume The commencement of your resume is devoted to explaining your skills as a housekeeper. While in college, make certain that you take a course in statistics that is crucial for the purpose of research in the subject of psychology. There are lots of jobs that could make it possible for you to do social tasks like counseling in summer camps, joining old age centers or healthcare centers. To develop into an endodontist, you will need to finish a postgraduate program in endodontics from a trusted dental institute or university. What to Expect From What Are References in a Resume? As a manager there are a lot of benchma rk questions that you should keep in mind during the interviewing process. You might also have to select the career assessment test to determine whether youre appropriate for that job. Let the business you worked for previously know about your existing skills so that they can write it or simply tell the new employer that you are able to deal with the tasks and your skill set is left up to date. When writing the resume for any coach, it is very important to include all of the coaching related skills in the resume that may force you to stick out from different coaches.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

What Everyone Else Does When It Comes to Essay Writing Service and What You Must Do Different

What Everyone Else Does When It Comes to Essay Writing tafelgeschirr and What You Must Do Different Time management is the secret to the very first step of becoming more organized, and in addition it can help keep you focused. You may always reach out to your writer to offer additional specifics or request information regarding the orders progress. Some writing services are extremely reasonably priced but they take longer time to complete an assignment. Your custom made research papers wont be resold, as a dependable service provider the company is going to provide complete privacy. Essay Writing Service - Is it a Scam? SEO content writing has become more and more important and owners of sites which range from small websites to a larger one to understand that top quality content brings a huge effect on success. Being around this kind of inspiring atmosphere can enable you to be more creative Reading is the iabsprache means of instigating creative ideas. Writing excellent ar ticles is indeed a task and youve got to regularly understand from your faults and a couple article composing guidelines to come up with your on the online ability for a copywriter. It is very important to compose unique content whenever youre working according to UK Essays standards. Essay writing is the standard project, and its the very best aspect of the students life. Our talented writers can deal with nearly every sort of writing assignment, together with Math and Physics difficulties and much more. Students must make certain that the writing is effective. Good essay plan begins with the analysis of the essay question. Every diet book is a bit different. Youve got to explain your topic within the body of the essay. Age of the web is thriving. Advent of quality writing services is one reason that blogging has developed through the years quite substantially. 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At the close of the day, students often discover that a lot of the information that they need for their US marketing essay can be seen in Risk Analysis section of the yearly report of the target company. Essay Writing Service Fundamenta ls Explained Again, its a tough question to reply. Take into account the simple fact a badly written essay can stop you from going into the university youve chosen even in case you have the ideal GPA and test score. Every nursing student knows they are entering a field writing ethics are incredibly important. Discover why do throughout the moment students will be difficult to finish your chosen. The info supplied in the essay ought to be correct and precise. You may want to search for an essay writing service. As with other writings, technology essay has three principal parts. There are several essay writing services out there for students. With this kind of a service, you can be assured your essays is going to be the best. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Should You Hire an Overqualified Candidate - Spark Hire

Should You Hire an Overqualified Candidate - Spark HireWith the job market in the state it is in and with thousands upon thousands of job seekers searching for a job, there are overqualified candidates floating around out there trying to grab whatever job comes there way. They were laid-off from their top-level job and now have to take a pay cut. They left their last standort because their boss knew they wouldnt be able to find another job elsewhere so they were a tyrant and unbearable to deal with. They simply wanted a change. Whatever the reason, when an overqualified candidate is applying for your position, it doesnt necessarily mean that they cant find anything better. However from an HR point of view, or a hiring managers point of view, is hiring an overqualified candidate a good idea?When it comes to hiring an overqualified worker, it can really go either way. On top of that, it really depends on the candidate and you. However, there seem to be many more reasons NOT to hire an overqualified worker than reason to hire one. So why would you want to hire an overqualified worker in the first place? Well for one, this candidate might be overqualified but theyre also qualified. If you find that most of the other candidates are greatly under-qualified or just not up-to-par, then it may do you better to hire someone who has more experience and knows what they are doing.Plus, an overqualified worker will bring a lot more to the table and will advance the role. On top of that, if you are looking to be promoted in the next few months or a year, then it may be a good idea to hire an overqualified worker so that they can take your job when you move up- theres already someone there to replace you. Of course, this is all circumstantial and it may be unfair to hire someone based on these assumptions, but if its a reality then it works out for everyone in the end.You also have to consider that perhaps this person just wants a break. Maybe their previous position took a lo t out of them and welches extremely stressful. They may have up and decided that they just didnt want to deal with it anymore and opted to take a job with less stress and less expectations. In this case, they may be perfectly happy and willing to work with you and your team- even if they have heightened skills and are used to a higher pay. This position may be just what they were looking for.Hiring an overqualified worker may be whats best for the team as well. Overqualified workers can obviously get the job done and do a great job at it. With their knowledge and skills they can motivate the rest of the team to strive harder and work better. However, this leads us to one of the many reasons why you should not hire an overqualified worker.BurnoutIf you hire someone overqualified for the job, then chances are they will burnout much faster than someone who was just qualified. Heres why overqualified workers come in, they have everything down and they get the job done quickly. Since the y have mastered everything and already know the ins and outs, they become bored and disinterested. If they arent challenged at all they become less and less productive. When that happens they tend to become negative and frustrated. When this happens theyll likely just bide their time until they can find a job that actually challenges them. This isnt the case with all overqualified workers, but it certainly makes sense. Plus, Ive seen it with my own eyes. Lack of any challenge leads to lack of productivity. Simple fact.Set in Their WaysAgain, just speaking in generalities here but if you hire an overqualified worker it may be exceedingly difficult to train them the way you want. Since they have great experience and a strong skill set, they may come in with a been there, done that attitude and have their own set ways of completing tasks. Thats great, but if the way you operate is different than theirs you may have a clash of opinion and difficulties may arise. If in the interview proc ess they made it clear that they are willing to come into this position with an open mind, then this may not be such a big issue.Job HopIf you think about it, why is this person even taking a job they are overqualified for? Likely because it is so difficult now to find a really great job, and if they do the competition is fierce. Therefore, how can you guarantee that when (if) the market picks up again they will be willing to stay in a position they are overqualified for? Well, you cant. If things abflug to improve this worker may decide to pack up and move on to greener pastures, leaving you the task of hiring another person.ExpensiveLastly, if this worker is overqualified for your the position, you may have to pay them more. Yes, many workers will be willing to take a pay cut for the sake of having a job, but you may end up having to pay them more than you initially thought. This is something you will have to decide on your own, but its definitely worth mulling over.As you can see , there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages to hiring an overqualified worker. What you need to do is figure out what is most important to you and decide for yourself if hiring and overqualified worker is a good idea for your team and your company.Have you ever hired an overqualified worker? Was it a great success or the complete opposite? Let us know in the comments section belowIMAGE Courtesy of MPI

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Inside The Secret Recruiting Tactics of HR Pros

Inside The Secret Recruiting Tactics of HR ProsInside The Secret Recruiting Tactics of HR Pros Guess what, new grads? Recruiters and HR professionals have got their eyes on you. Whether you majored in math or got an MBA, companies are looking for the top talent and theyve got impressive insights on how to attract and retain you.The good news is that Glassdoor has all the same information because we have shared it with the recruiters - and now were sharing these insights with you.From the stealthy recruiting tactics to perks and incentives theyll offer to get you to sign on the dotted line, here is the inside scoop on how HR pros are recruiting you and your peers. Learn their techniques to stay one step ahead1. Companies are investing in branding & word-of-mouth. The word is out career fairs in the school gym are so 1997. Recruiters at some of the top companies know that college graduates arent flocking to fears to look for the top opportunities. In fact, according to a recent NACE survey , 65% of millennials say they hear about companies through friends and job boards.Given this, recruiters are upping the ante when it comes to employer branding to show off their company culture, perks and benefits, as well as the things that make their workforce unique. Glassdoor is the main place employers go to improve their brand and get in front of job seekers. Plus, they list their jobs along side company reviews, information about salaries, and the anonymous reviews employees and candidates share about the einstellungsgesprch process.2. Recruiters know what youre interested in. Instead of relying on HR to do the recruiting, companies are now leveraging current employees to best represent their brands and overall mission. They know that authenticity is important to recent grads and job seekers, so they are adjusting accordingly.Because companies are hiring employees who are passionate and excited to speak to young professionals like yourself, take advan tage of it. When interviewing for a job, ask to speak with current team members or other new hires who can offer insight. Ask to shadow an employee or grab coffee with someone youd be working with to get a better sense of whether this company fits your lifestyle.The statistic recruiters are fixated on is 64% of millennials would rather make $40k a year at a job they love, than $100k a year at a job they think is boring. Dont let a company bore you - get as much information as you can. Remember, youre in high demand.3. Hiring managers are asking mora behavioral interview questions to uncover your skills, attitudes, and values. The interview process is anxiety-ridden both for candidates and recruiters. After all, the interview is where recruiters have the most control over who fills the employee roster, and its where candidates are able to show what they are made of.Behavioral interview questions seek to predict a candidates suitability for a role based on their behavior in past job s. By finding out more about how a candidate behaved in similar situations in the past, employers have a way to predict how they will perform in the future. Examples are Tell me about a successful product launch you worked on Describe a time you had to convince someone to do something they did not want to do Give me an example of a time when you failed and how you responded.Be prepared to explain competencies in teamwork, problem-solving, customer service, communication, negotiation, leadership, initiative, adaptability, time management, etc. The goal is to show how you can thrive in a companys culture.4. Companies are now offering more than just swag. There once was a time when free t-shirts and a ping-pong table in the cafe were enough to catch the eye of a young jobseeker. However, you know, as a recent grad, that swag isnt whats really important. Recruiters know that they have to lure you in with the potential for personal and professional success, not just free lunch.Accor ding to Glassdoors Q3 2015 Employment Confidence Survey , nearly 90% of employees age 18-34 would prefer new or additional benefits to a pay increase.With this, companies are now offering benefits like student loan repayment assistance. To separate themselves from the competition for financial job candidates, PricewaterhouseCooper decided to offer loan payoff benefits based on what their millennial workers said they needed. PWC will pay $1,200 a year towards an employees loan, up to $10,000.5. Companies are playing up work-life balance. The number one selling point of a company for millennials, research shows, is work-life balance . And now that recruiters know this, they are attracting recent grads by going beyond the job description. Companies are touting the culture, how they build a sense of community and how much the company supports work-life balance.Plus, investing in work-life balance is a retention tactic . Sure, a great reputation or an impressive job title may attract younger job seekers. However, the balance is what will keep them. This means that the ball continues to stay in your court, Gen Zers, and HR is invested in your happiness for the long haul.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What Would YOU Do for a Paycheck

What Would YOU Do for a Paycheck What Would YOU Do for a Paycheck? What Would YOU Do for a Paycheck Funeral Services: It's a business nobody wants to talk about, but according to this article, it's one that's attracting job seekers, thanks to the poor job market conditions. Funeral services run in my family, and it's well-known that you have to have a stomach made of steel and a heart of gold to do the kinds of things they do. You have to be strong enough to be around death all the time, but sympathetic enough to handle the waves of mourners and their tears. The article mentioned Alan Willoughby, a job seeker who turned from auto sales to funeral services because he wanted to make more money in an industry that's pretty much as recession-proof as industries get. And yes, there is certainly money to be made in this business, but do you think you'd be able to make such a drastic change for job security and a steady paycheck? This got me to thinking about similar jobs, like Dirty Jobs, and I wondered what kind of uncomfortable or seemingly morbid jobs desperate job seekers would accept in order to get a good paycheck. Kind of like these, courtesy of this Career Builder article: Breath odor evaluator - Odor judges smell nasty morning breath or breath insulted with strong scents, like garlic or coffee. They rate the breath on a scale from one to nine, one being the worst. To test odor-reducing products like gum or mouthwash, they smell the breath again and assign it a new rating. Tampon tester - Check all sizes of tampons for absorbency and cord strength in accordance with Food and Drug Administration standards. Most testers check up to 125 pieces per day. Diener - Prepare cadavers for the pathologist before autopsies are performed in hospitals. So tell us, would you apply makeup to cadavers or clean algae globs out of giant fish tanks if it meant big bucks in your bank account? How odd would you go?

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The most common reason job seekers abandon applications

The most common reason job seekers abandon applications The most common reason job seekers abandon applications Ghosting employers is nothing new, but  recent data from Clutch shows that the most popular reason why job seekers รข€œabandonรข€ applications is to รข€œaccept another job,รข€ at 30%. Itรข€™s important to note that this was only among the 389 people surveyed who admitted to doing so in the first place.The research also shows that 71% of people looking for jobs said they รข€œhave abandoned the application process.รข€The company polled 507 adult, full-time, American workers รข€œwho started a new job within the past 6 months.รข€ In terms of gender, itรข€™s important to note that 69% of respondents were women and 31% were men.Hereรข€™s why people have given up on job applicationsWhile all the responses werenรข€™t listed, these were the most popular ones: รข€œAccept another job:รข€ 30% รข€œGhosted by company:รข€ 23% รข€œRealized not a match for the job:รข€ 19% รข€œHad doubts about company:รข€ 8% รข€œExperienced technical problems with application:รข€ 7% รข€œHad a bad interview experience:รข€ 7% This data shows that potential employees arenรข€™t the only ones doing the ghosting.How job seekers feel about professional รข€œghostingรข€This Clutch infographic shows that people have a variety of opinions on this topic:But in terms of who interviews job seekers, 54% said the รข€œmanager,รข€ while 32% said an รข€œHR representativeรข€ and 22% said รข€œrecruiter.รข€ Furthermore, 21% said รข€œfuture colleaguesรข€ and a slim 16% said a รข€œC-suite leader.รข€This infographic  takes things further by breaking down the professional ghosting time frame among job seekers and employers alike:รข€œCompanies that experience high rates of ghosting should examine their recruiting processes and consider changing steps that trigger ghosting. Additionally, companies that routinely ghost candidates should take steps to give candidates closure รข€" or risk earning a bad reputation among job seekers,รข€  Michelle Delgado, researcher and marketer at Clutch, told Ladders.Hereรข€™s how people found out they didnรข€™ t get the jobAmong people who havenรข€™t gotten a position they applied for before, not hearing back at all was the top way they found out. Hereรข€™s the breakdown: รข€œNo response:รข€ 36% รข€œImpersonal rejection note:รข€ 30% รข€œPhone call:รข€ 21% รข€œPersonal rejection note:รข€ 13% Itรข€™s clear that ghosting also happens well outside the dating world, where someone youรข€™ve been getting to know romantically immediately stops responding to calls and messages. Just keep in mind that no matter which party is doing this under professional circumstances,  there are productive ways to work through it.

Monday, November 18, 2019

500 Irish Created A Resume For Saint Patrick. Here It Is!

500 Irish Created A Resume For Saint Patrick. Here It Is! 500 Irish Created A Resume For Saint Patrick. Here It Is! This post was updated on 17th MarchItรข€™s here! The best day of the year for anyone who has at least a little bit of Irish blood running through their veins. Everything and everyone turns green and you meet all the friends you havenรข€™t seen in donkeyรข€™s ears! And hey, you can have that pint of Guinness at 10:30 am and nobody will give you the judgy eye! The best part for many is finally getting lucky with the girl who wears รข€˜รข€™Kiss me, Iรข€™m Irishรข€™รข€™ T-shirt!To celebrate this joyful tradition in a non-traditional way, around two weeks ago we gave you a chance to join the process of crafting Saint Patrickรข€™s resume. Why did we need your help? Well, nobody knows Saint Patrick better than you the Irish!How did it end up?First of all, do you celebrate Saint Patrickรข€™s Day? If yes, youรข€™re smack-dab in the right place to see how others prep themselves!We announced the campaign 2 weeks ago. We wanted to give all the Irish the opportunity to contribute and create the very first community-generated resume for their patron saint. After the announcement, comments and suggestions started rolling in instantly.People were leaving their suggestions by clicking on sections they thought needed to be changed. After leaving a comment, everyone could share the resume with their friends via Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or Messenger.We reviewed the comments and made the proposed changes on a daily basis. Here is the final version of Saint Patrickรข€™s resume! Let me repeat myself here it was created by more than 500 Irish!Thank you for your feedback!Now gather รข€˜round ye lads and lasses, set ye for a while! And tell us your own mournful tale about the Emerald Isle!We want to thank you for your input! Finally, Saint Patrick has a resume created by over 500 Irish. It really shows the world why the history behind this man binds your nation.Slinte!Previous popular resumes created by Marissa Mayerรข€™s featured in Business InsiderBarack Obamaรข€™s featured in The Hill Tatiana Rehmova A glass half-full kind of a girl and a believer that everything happens for a reason. Loves writing, editing and researching the newest ways of doing things.Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *CommentName * Email * Website Subscribe now for moreSee more great content and inspiring examples of resumes done right each month!. Subscribe You're subscribed! Latest posts See all posts by Eric D. Halsey The Resumes of Chernobyl by Eric D. Halsey 4 Ways Creativity Can Improve Your Resume by Katherine (Tori) Lutz How to Create a First Year Elementary School Teacher Resume

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Step-by-Step Guide to Planning an Album Release Party

Step-by-Step Guide to Planning an Album Release Party Step-by-Step Guide to Planning an Album Release Party Whether youre releasing a full-length album, a single or an EP, and whether youve got physical copies or going digital all the way, an album launch party works wonders for getting your fans (and potential fans) all excited about the new stuff. The nuts and bolts of holding a CD launch party arent so different from planning a standard show. Behind the scenes, a lot of the work is the same. It is what happens during the event that sets things apart. Consider the Budget Launch parties have the potential to take a bigger bite out of your bank account than other shows. Why? Because, ideally, you wont be charging at the door at your launch party. Some people do, mind you, but your best bet is to treat this as a launch party - emphasis on party - rather than a traditional show. You likely dont charge your friends when you have a get-together at your place, so dont charge your fans to come to your album party. Plus, its simply easier to get them through the door at a free event. You want to create an atmosphere where everyone is buzzing about your new music, and helping your fans have a good night on the cheap goes a long way to improving the mood. However, that means you could be looking at some bigger expenses. The specifics depend on your circumstances, but you might have to pay a venue hire fee and/or bar minimum, plus posters, any advertising you do, any free merch you plan to give away, etc. Start out with a realistic idea of what you can spend, keeping in mind that this launch party shouldnt leave you with no cash left over to further promote your new release. Locate Your Schtick The coolest thing about a launch party is that you can have a lot of fun doing something unique at your show. What is going to make this night special? Give your fans something to talk about. Youre limited only by your imagination (and the law and venue policies) here. Musicians have done everything from giving away baked goods to raffling off private concerts and everything in between for their launch parties. Maybe you want a signature drink, a costume contest, a dance-off, a trivia contest - anything that you think will be fun for you and your fans, go for it. It will draw people through the door, give the press something to write about and be the foundation for many a we saw this great band called so-and-so once, and at the show they... - thats the kind of word of mouth that moves some product! Find Your Venue Finding the right venue for your launch party is a matter of weighing up the  size, cost, and accommodation. Size: How many people do you think you can pull in for the party (keep in mind that free shows can bring in more people than paying shows)? Cost: Since youre probably not charging at the door to help cover your costs, what venue will give you a decent hire fee/bar minimum that you think you can meet without going too out of pocket? Accommodation: Remember your schtick? Which venue can/will accommodate it? For instance, if your schtick involves grub  and the venue in question doubles as a restaurant, they may balk at your idea. If youre hoping to pull off anything too out of the box during your party, be sure to consult the venue while making your booking to make sure they dont put the kibosh on your plans on the night of the show. Put Together a Good Bill Your launch party is definitely all about you and your new music, but putting together a good bill for the night can only up the party atmosphere. Its your special night, so youre the headliner, but pick a few other good acts in your area to draw in some people. As a bonus, some of their fans who might not be familiar with your music will come out for the free show and stick around to discover your sounds. Stick a DJ in between sets and have them hang around after your set if youve got time before the venue closes for a little post-set dance party. Note that if youre having a hard time nailing down a venue, putting your bill together before you start booking could make it easier. It is especially true if you dont have a long track record of shows to point to. A strong bill can give the venue confidence that youre going to have a good turnout. Promote Your Little Heart Out The basics of promoting your launch party are the same as promoting any other kind of show - the trick is that you want to play up that fact that youre launching a new release and use the special things youve got in store for the party as a press angle. In other words, your launch party that also includes band name charades, a costume contest, and a raffle to win a house concert with the band gives the press a lot more to sink their teeth into than ye olde standard were playing a show on Tuesday. Never promoted a show before? Check out some solid tips for first-time promoters. Knowing the ins and out of booking live concerts can also help you make heads or tails of the whole process, from booking to promotion. Get the Goods You should have your new music on sale and available for fans at the show, even if youre selling download codes/coupons/what have you. T-shirts and such are great, too - you can sell a lot of this stuff when the mood is good at your gig, and since youre not charging at the door, this is your chance to make some money to cover your costs. Also, be sure you have everything you need for any special events youre holding - raffle tickets, prizes, etc. Deliver the Goods Dont get so wrapped up in the other parts of the planning that you let your set take a backseat. The bells and whistles will get them through the door, but a good set will keep them buying tickets for the next shows. Here are some more helpful tips: Have your launch party as close to the actual release date of your music as possible (if youre adhering to a strict release date). If youve got to choose between having it, say, the week before or the week after, go for the week before. Consider it a special treat for your local fans and use it to build excitement and momentum in the run-up to the big day.Extend invitations to the press. If youre having a free show, the lure of the guest list is kind of null and void, but you can attract the press to your show with promises of a free drink. Dont limit yourself to traditional venues. Maybe you want to have a Sunday afternoon cookout launch party out at a park so your fans can bring their families, but youll need to rent the shelter and get the permits before you go for it. Maybe a house party is a better fit. A launch party is a great chance to fulfill those unique gig dreams, so dont be afraid to step out of the box a little bit in terms of location. Its fun for you, fun for your fans, helps amp up that notion that this is more than a typical show and increase the likelihood that your show is going to attract media attention. If youve got a big fanbase in an area you cant conceivably get to for a launch party, consider hosting a listening party there. You will need strong local contacts who can help you pull off the event and act as your representatives (a good relationship with a promoter, another band, a local label, etc.), but you can add many of the elements of the launch party you will be attending,  to the listening party and simply have your music playing throughout the night.Again, the emphasis here is on the local contacts. This idea works best if you  say, work with a label in Chapel Hill, but youre based in San Francisco - you can hold the party in your home base while your label can hold the listening party for you on their turf. If youve got someone on the ground you can trust, this idea can certainly expand the impact of your launch. If youve got parties going on at the same time, you can even live link up via the web (another cool little angle to deliver to the press).

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How to Run a Cost-Benefit Analysis

How to Run a Cost-Benefit Analysis How to Run a Cost-Benefit Analysis A cost-benefit analysis is a key decision-making tool that helps determine whether a planned action or expenditure is literally worth the price. The analysis can be used to help decide almost any course of action, but its most common use is to decide whether to proceed with a major expenditure. Since its based on adding positive factors and subtracting negative ones to get a net result, it is also known as running the numbers. The Basics A cost-benefit analysis finds, quantifies, and adds all the positive factors involved in a proposed course of action. These are the benefits. Then all the negatives, or costs, are identified, quantified, and subtracted. The difference between the two indicates whether the planned action is advisable. The real trick to doing a cost-benefit analysis well is making sure you include all the costs and benefits and properly quantify them. Should we hire an additional sales  person or assign overtime, or will we be better off putting our free cash flow into securities or investing in additional capital equipment? Both of these questions can be answered by doing a proper cost-benefit analysis. First Stab at a Cost-Benefit Analysis Say you are a production manager and you are proposing the purchase of a $1 million stamping machine to increase output. Before you can present the proposal to the vice president, you need some facts to support your suggestion. You need to do a cost-benefit analysis. First, you list the benefits. The machine will produce 100 more units per hour. The machine will replace three workers currently stamping by hand. The units will be of higher quality because they will be more uniform. You calculate the selling price of the 100 additional units per hour multiplied by the number of production hours per month. Add another two percent for the units that arent rejected because of the higher quality of the machine output. Then add the monthly salaries of the three workers. Thats a pretty good total benefit. Then there are the costs. The machine costs $1 million and it will consume electricity. Thats about it. You calculate the monthly cost of the machine by dividing the purchase price by 12 months per year and divide that by the 10 years the machine should last. The manufacturers specs tell you what the power consumption of the machine is and you can get power cost numbers from accounting. You figure the cost of electricity to run the machine and add the purchase cost to get a total cost figure. You subtract your total cost figure from your total benefit value and your analysis shows a healthy profit. Youre ready to present your analysis to the vice president, right? Wrong. Youve got the right idea, but you left out a lot of detail. A Better Example Take another look at the benefits first. Dont use the selling price of the units to calculate the value. The sales price of any item includes many additional factors that will throw off your analysis if you include them, not the least of which is a  profit margin. Instead, get the activity-based value of the units from accounting and use that number. You added the value of the increased quality by factoring in the average reject rate, but you may want to reduce that a little because even a machine wont always be perfect. Finally, when calculating the value of replacing three employees, be sure to add overhead costs and benefits costs in addition to their salaries. Accounting is your source for the exact number of the companys fully burdened labor rates. You may have overlooked other details. For instance, you may be able to buy feedstock for the machine in large rolls instead of the individual sheets needed when the work is done by hand. This should lower the cost of material, another benefit. Now reconsider the costs. In addition to its purchase price and any taxes you will have to pay on it, you must add the cost of interest on the purchase. Even if the company buys the machine outright, you will have to include a sum in the lost interest it would have earned if the money had not been spent. Check with finance to find out the amortization period. The machine may last ten years but the company may not keep it on the books that long. It may amortize the purchase over as little as four years if it is considered capital equipment. If the cost of the machine is not enough to qualify as capital, the full cost will be expensed in one year. Adjust the monthly purchase cost of the machine to reflect these issues. There may still be some details you overlooked. More Costs The devil is in the details. In this case, here are some of the overlooked costs: Floor space: Will the machine fit in the same space currently occupied by the three workers?Installation: What will it cost to remove the manual stampers and install the new machine? Will you have to cut a hole in a wall to get it in or will it fit through the door? Will you need rollers or machinists with special skills to install it?Operator? Somebody has to operate the machine. Does this person need special training? What will the operators salary, including  overhead, cost?Environment: Will the new machine be so noisy that you have to build soundproofing around it? Will it increase the companys insurance premiums? An Accurate Conclusion Once you have collected all the positive and negative factors and have quantified them you can put them together into an accurate cost-benefit analysis. Some people like to add up all the positive factors, then add up all the negative factors, and find the difference between the two. Others prefer to make a running list that combines both factors. That makes it easier for you or anyone reviewing your work to see that you have  included  all the factors on both sides of the issues. For the example above, the cost-benefit  analysis might look something like this: Cost-Benefit Analysis: Purchase of New Stamping Machine(Costs shown are per month and amortized over four years) Purchase of Machine .................... -$20,000includes interest and taxesInstallation of Machine ..................... -3,125including screens removal of existing stampersIncreased Revenue .......................... 27,520??net  value of additional 100 units per hour, 1 shift/day, 5 days/weekQuality Increase Revenue ..................... 358calculated at 75% of current reject rateReduced material costs ...................... 1,128purchase of bulk supply reduces cost by $0.82 per hundredReduced Labor Costs ....................... 18,5853 operators salary plus labor o/h New Operator ................................. -8,321salary plus overhead. Includes trainingUtilities ............................................ -250power consumption  increase  for  a new  machineInsurance ......................................... -180premiums increaseSquare footage ...................................... 0no additional floor space is required Net Savings per Month ........................... $15,715 Your  cost-benefit  analysis clearly shows the purchase of the stamping machine is justified. The machine will save your company more than $15,000 per month, almost $190,000 a year. This is just one example of how you can use a  cost-benefit  analysis to determine the advisability of a course of action and then support it with facts.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Having a spicy diet can lead to dementia later in life

Having a spicy diet can lead to dementia later in life Having a spicy diet can lead to dementia later in life Adding something with a little extra spice to your meal could be detrimental to your health.Next time you think about slapping some extra chili sauce or jalapeรƒ±os to your dinner, think again - as scientists warn that a spicy diet could be linked to dementia.The research, published in the journal Nutrients, found that people who consumed more than 50 grams of chili a day nearly doubled the risk of memory decline while having poor cognition.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Laddersรข€™ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!รข€œChili consumption was found to be beneficial for body weight and blood pressure in our previous studies. However, in this study, we found adverse effects on cognition among older adults,รข€ said Dr. Zumin Shi, who led the study.The 15-year study looked at more than 4,500 Chinese adults aged 55 and older where researchers collected data from nine different periods. Participants were administered cognitiv e tests that determined their memory recognition. They were also asked to complete dietary surveys which collected information from a three-day survey period.The study said that chili intake was determined as both fresh and dried chili peppers, but omitted capsicum or black pepper.Participants who consumed more chili had a lower income and body mass index, according to the study. They were also more physically active compared to non-consumers.Eating spicier foods has previously been linked to living a longer life. A study by researchers at the University of Vermont in 2017 found that consuming hot red chili peppers was associated with a 13% reduction in death.รข€œChili is one of the most commonly used spices in the world and particularly popular in Asia compared to European countries,รข€ Dr. Li said. รข€œIn certain regions of China, such as Sichuan and Hunan, almost one in three adults consume spicy food every day.รข€

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Six Signs Your Career is Stalling

Six Signs Your Career is Stalling Six Signs Your Career is Stalling We wake up and head to work, only to walk through the doors and realize whatever it was that motivated us in the weeks, months and years past is gone. The proverbial meteoric rise we were on has now stalled at its apex and you can feel that slight sensation that everything is plummeting into the mundane cadence you swear youรข€™d never fall into. The good news is that very few career stalls are severe enough that youรข€™re left without hope. In this post, weรข€™ll give you six signs that your career is stalling, along with expert advice on how you can revitalize your career . Thereรข€™s a relatively old theory floating around which states, quite simply, that employees are happiest when the challenges they face are equal to their skill level. If the challenge level drops, you become disinterested in what youรข€™re doing. Rona Borre, founder and CEO of Chicago-based staffing agency Instant Alliance, said you know your career is languishing when the demands of your job donรข€™t put your talents to the test. รข€œYou know youรข€™ve stalled in your job when you no longer feel challenged on a daily basis,รข€ Borre said. The remedy to this is simple, she said. Youรข€™ve got to look for opportunities to challenge yourself. รข€œWhether itรข€™s taking on additional responsibilities, volunteering to help on a project outside of your wheelhouse or attending online classes in your off hours, keep pushing yourself,รข€ Borre said. Thereรข€™s nothing more injurious to your sense of momentum and accomplishment when you reach a goal your employer set, only to find out the bonus, raise or promotion they promised is no longer in play. This is a classic sign that youรข€™re in a stall pattern, said career coach April Klimkiewicz, owner of bliss evolution . A great example of this, she said, would be when your company tells you theyรข€™re watching your performance in an important project and a promotion is in order if you do well. รข€œ You completed the project. You were told it was great, and there have been positive changes for the organization based on your work. The problem is, no one has said anything about the promotion,รข€ she said. รข€œMore time goes by, and you feel like you were taken advantage of.รข€ At this point, she said, itรข€™s time to set up a time to talk with your boss and find out exactly what happened. รข€œ If the higher-ups drag their feet about it, push the promised promotion further back, or refuse to honor their word, it may be time to consider contributing your talents to a new organization that will value you by doing what they said they would do,รข€ she said. Employees who are interested in their job will make an effort, whether in their free time or on company time, to find learning opportunities that can help them excel in the workplace. A loss of interest in expanding your knowledge is a sign that you may be entering รข€" or are already in - a career stall. รข€œAn obvious indicator that your career is stalling is a lack of participation in career development opportunities,รข€ said Mollie Moric, hiring manager at Resume Genius . รข€œIn order to update existing skills as well as learn new skills, employees should be regularly engaged in conferences, online courses, or in-person workshops related to their field.รข€ You know youรข€™re in the sweet spot at your job when your supervisors and upper management tap you to be a part of crucial projects. When those opportunities wane and you see your colleagues getting the calls you used to get, Laura Small, a VP at Santa Monica-based ad agency RPA , says itรข€™s a sign that you might be hitting a plateau. รข€œYour supervisor may perceive you to be working at a very high level, but if you arenรข€™t getting asked to take on big-picture or high-profile assignments, it could suggest that you are not where you need to be,รข€ Small said. The solution? Start coming up with reach projects on your own. รข€œConsider bringing forward your own reach project - something that would be of value to the organization and would also allow you to showcase both your current skill set and what you are capable of mastering in the future,รข€ she said. There are times when your career stall is beyond your control. For example, the industry in which you work could be in a stagnant season or, worse yet, in a precipitous decline. In these situations, your options are limited, said Alex Robinson, general manager at Team Building Hero . รข€œSome businesses reach their market potential because the market is small or already saturated with competition,รข€ Robinson said. รข€œWhen this peak happens, the company is unable to continue providing growth opportunities to employees.รข€ In this situation, either become the spark your company needs or make a move to a different company or industry. รข€œIf you find yourself in this scenario or a similar one, the best solution is to either be a catalyst for growth at the company (if your role allows it)  or to move to a faster-growing company, perhaps in another industry,รข€ he said. This final sign that your career is stalling is more a combination of several of the factors weรข€™ve already listed. Not wanting to better yourself through career development and not creating challenges for yourself are signs that thereรข€™s something deeper going on. Dr. Andrew Selepak, a professor in the Department of Telecommunications at the University of Florida, said that, in the end, your career stall is a matter of motivation. รข€œIt is important to always keep looking for new ways to do your job better and new thing to do at your job. This means always learning more and keeping up with new things,รข€ he said. รข€œNo one wants to be the dinosaur at work, but this happens when we stop challenging ourselves and stop trying to be better at what we do than we were.รข€ In the end, no matter how much of a career morass you find yourself in, you have to believe you can get better every day. รข€œI tell my students, they should always strive to be a better person today than they were yesterday by learning more and pushing themselves to be better,รข€ he said. รข€œIf you have lost this motivation to constantly get better at what you do, not only with the external validations stop, but so too will your internal validations leaving you stuck and prematurely peaked when you could be doing more.รข€ J.R. Duren is a personal finance reporter at , where he covers credit cards, credit scores, student loans and more. He is a three-time winner at the Florida Press Clubรข€™s Excellence in Journalism contest.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How to Create a Plan for Your Layoff Recovery

How to Create a Plan for Your Layoff Recovery How to Create a Plan for Your Layoff Recovery 2After youรข€™ve been laid off, when youรข€™re finally feeling like itรข€™s time to get back out there (or even if youรข€™re not quite there yet), itรข€™s important to think about a plan for finding a new opportunity. But the key to making a successful return to the workforce is to have a structured plan for your layoff recovery. Why so structured? Well, even for career advisors and job search experts, job searching isnรข€™t something typically described asfun. And if youรข€™re not looking forward to the job search process, and you donรข€™t have a plan to follow, itรข€™ll be easy to quickly fall off track, or never even get on track to begin with. For example, if youรข€™re prone to procrastination, or you tend to avoid stressful tasks (donรข€™t we all?), a structured plan like this one will make it MUCH easier to keep yourself on track. Three of the biggest benefits of a structured plan for your layoff recovery include: Knowing what to focus on and work towards every day Seeing how much work youรข€™ve put into getting yourself back on track Saving your energy and time trying to decide what to do every day- because itรข€™s already decided for you! 3 Steps to Create a Plan for Your Layoff Recovery 1. Outline weekly goals in your job search. A good job search should involve a combination of the following: reaching out to your current professional network, making new network contacts, and searching for open jobs. Your existing professional network is one of your greatest job search assets, but itรข€™s also necessary to work on establishing new contacts, and searching for open jobs. Your weekly goals should include things like: Applying to five jobs online that youรข€™re qualified for and interested in. Updating your LinkedIn profile. Emailing five current networking contacts to catch up. Finding one in-person event to attend (sites like are a great place to start). Searching for volunteer opportunities to stay active and keep building your resume ( has in-person AND remote volunteer opportunities!). At the beginning of your job search, youรข€™ll also want to include tasks like: Updating your resume (and having it reviewed by professionals or people in your network) Making several versions of your resume to suit different jobs and industries Writing and practicing answers to common interview questions Writing a one-page bio of your relevant work history, to get more comfortable talking about yourself, your accomplishments, your values, and your goals. Crafting your answer to this tricky question: รข€œWhy are you looking for a job?รข€ While these wonรข€™t be recurring tasks that happen every week, itรข€™s important to include them in your structured plan at the start. The sooner you start to kick the dust off your resume and interview answers, the more prepared youรข€™ll feel when you start to apply to jobs. 2. Keep track of the hard work youรข€™re doing. Keep a job search document or spreadsheet where you write down your goals and record your progress. This can be as simple as a Word document or Excel spreadsheet. The point is two-fold: your job search tracking document will help you see how much work youรข€™re doing and the progress youรข€™re making. And it will also help you figure out if youรข€™re spending too much time in one area of your job search, and not enough in another. The most useful tracking documents will include tasks and info like the jobs youรข€™ve applied for; the application materials youรข€™ve sent; company names and contact information; the interviews youรข€™ve done; the career and job search websites youรข€™ve set up accounts with; your follow up with interviewers or job applications; and any networking events youรข€™ve attended or should attend. Everyoneรข€™s goals and accomplishments will be different depending on the types of jobs theyรข€™re going for, so personalize and tailor this process to suit you. 3. Take things day by day: make finding a job your main job right now. Itรข€™s a bit cliche to say, but when youรข€™re looking for a job after a layoff, treat your job search like itรข€™s your full-time job. Devote a large part of each day to job searching. And list the things you want to accomplish that day to get closer to accomplishing your weekly goals. This will help you avoid procrastinating because youรข€™ve made it very clear what needs to get done. Letรข€™s review what it takes to make a structured plan for your job recovery: Outline weekly goals for your job search and start with those important preparation tasks first. Keep a job search document to track your progress. Set daily action plans to accomplish your goals. Recovering from a layoff can be a lengthy process. But creating a structured plan for your recovery will stop you from feeling so overwhelmed, and put you on a path towards success. Looking for even more help recovering from your layoff? partnered with LinkedIn Learning to create a whole course for you. Get a 30 day free trial with unlimited access to LinkedIn Learningรข€™s full course catalog! Hereรข€™s an overview on Recovering from a Layoff to learn more about the course.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Brief Article Teaches You the Ins and Outs of Catering Resumes and What You Should Do Today

Brief Article Teaches You the Ins and Outs of Catering Resumes and What You Should Do Today New Step by Step Roadmap for Catering Resumes The Inside Address the address of the individual or company you're writing the letter to. Whether there are any distinctive requirements make certain you include the info in your bartender resume. If you're asking for a position for a Kitchen Manager, you can have to have a background in hospitality management, a fantastic cover letter, and an inspiring resume. The previous portion of job descriptions is generally the Requirements section. Whether this Catering Manager resume example was not sufficient for you, you're absolutely free to review a few other samples and templates from our website. Whether this Waitress And Waiter resume example was not sufficient for you, you're totally free to review a few other samples and templates from our website. The very first key section of your resume is known as the Career Objective. Utilize our sample resume for a nutritional Aide each time you would really like to submit an application for work. The Good, the Bad and Catering Resumes Managers would be most pleased to realize that their people truly care about the company, and showing your enthusiasm to learn about just what the restaurant is selling is vital. There are two resources that you're able to sell to each business on Earth time and money. Remember that you want to sell yourself, your practical experience and any donation you've got to provide you the organization. Finding the very best deal can take a while a nd might imply some distinctive searches, but you ought to take advantage of the recent advances of search engines. Catering services would need to be among the most popular small business opportunities currently. Generally do not create what you would love in job. You may choose to receive your resume highly related to every job. Your odds of getting the job can become very slim when it happens. These sales resume samples will help you to get closer to getting that Sales job that you dream about. One of the easiest methods they will use is to choose a keyword search, and that's why the skills you list have to be relevant to the job available. Seeking the function of a Chef at Charlie's Resort where there's an opportunity to generate use of exceptional food management skills, gastronomic expertise, and understanding of guest solutions, along with excellent organizational skills that please both customers and employers. Coordinate with suppliers to guarantee on-time shipping. As the deficiency of experience could be disadvantage, but nevertheless, it can not need to be an insurmountable obstacle. If you're asking for a bartending vacancy at a well-known restaurant or club in your area then there are chances that you'd be facing stiff competition. Perhaps the best jobs on the planet involve food. Though it's the ideal job for folks who get bored easily on the job. Hands-on experience within the field is all that counts. As a business innovator, you've so many different and desirable strengths and your main challenge in making a strong resume is to continue being concise. The ability to construct strong teams in addition to be a strong team player. Promotes the professional growth and maturation of the full team. For example, you should deliver internship program letters into some wide variety of businesses who might be ready to engage you as an intern. To make sure you appoint the best professional resume writer you find it possible to manage use the next info. Possessing Essential Thinking skills can allow you to navigate through challenging conditions and get the best classes of actions. Therefore, some catering businesses have moved towards full-service small business model popularly connected with event planners. It is crucial to keep the expense of the supplies and food below a price margin in order to earn a profit on the catering. Utilize thecareer objectivewhen writing catering resumes with very little or no experience. Utilize thecareer summarywhen you have lots of catering experience behind you.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The True Story About Free Resume Builder That the Experts Dont Want You to Hear

The True Story About Free Resume Builder That the Experts Don't Want You to Hear What Free Resume Builder Is - and What it Is Not Be in a position to articulate why you are in possession of a genuine interest in the organization and the position. The additional price of your work is to provide a care free and risk free experience which allows your customers to concentrate on the reach of their trip and not the logistic information. When applying to a transportation operations manager job, make sure that you match your skills with the demands of the work description to make the most of your chances. The procedure for selection isn't too lengthy in job fairs. The responsibilities of a Product Manager typically vary from a number of roles and duties that are vital to the success of any company or company. Employers usually anticipate a staffing coordinator candidate to have a sensible typing rate and to be in a position to learn any program in under a month. Concentrate on employer's needs, don't tell him what sort of job you wish to do or what type of work suites you. Your work is to obtain what falls below your interest. There's additionally a 30-day full access program and a 90-day package. Free resume builders help you to save money, but you need to consider what you're giving up in return. There's no totally free package. The job involves a great deal of routine and is a good alternative for people that have previous knowledge in grocery stores, since the tasks are alike, but payment is a little higher. From customer experience, their customer service really isn't the best so you may have trouble getting a refund in case you don't cancel. Testing and Troubleshooting A mobile phone repair technician should have the ability to identify what's wrong with the device they are presented with, by asking questions and studying the state of the cell product. The Nuiances of Free Resume Builder For people that are inexperienced or haven't created an overview of their work history in a very long time, an economical alternative might be using free resume writing software. You have to compose your resume in a typical format. For some people the functional format may be the ideal choice. Breath fashion The fashion editor's work may be a passion become a complete time job. Resume editing isn't much simpler. It's not obligatory that you must agree on everything. Normally the difference between acquiring a work interview and not obtaining a work interview is the way well you write your resume. There aren't any set rules to writing a resume but there's certain information that's regarded as essential which should be included. Plenty of individuals are acquainted with writing cover text letters and resumes in a certain format. Many people indicate that you should rehearse your interview, but I don't suggest that. Hence the variety of resume templates might be high but bad quality. Most free resume writing software will typically enable you to create an overview of your professional work history in minutes with the usage of a user friendly interface or wizard. A template is usually utilized to create the essential information which will be employed to formulate the final resume and customize he same to fulfill the demands of a work opening. Much like resumes, there are lots of cover letter templates out there. You are able to add a new custom made section or rearrange the current ones. 20 templates are readily available. Most are no more than templates with a couple pre-written words and suggestions to assist you in getting started. There are many templates to select from ranging from the traditional formats of conventional resumes to more modern designs which are getting more popular (see example above). The Free Resume Builder Stories There are lots of resources available to assist simplify the practice of constructing an overview of your academic and work history. At times the work required is really necessary and there's nobody there to do it, at times it is a test from management to see whether you fit in the business on the very long term. You have your very own private webpage.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Important Solutions for Star Resume

Important Solutions for Star Resume Employment managers are looking for someone to employ in the same manner. It's something which many leaders talk about, many organizations are beginning to provide focus, but very few men and women are really analyzing in depth. If you are experiencing doubts about the format you are using in your resume, you can ask the assistance of professionals. Our goal is to help folks of all ages and backgrounds in realizing a greater quality of life. You can't manage every facet of their life. You must be that brand, which is about the very best general bit of career advice you'll get. Moreover, Lee is an exceptional free throw shooter. Tell us a story in every sentence. The Advantages of Star Resume You're able to rely on them anytime you demand. Nobody cares about your career goals at the moment. Victoria is the very best period! I can't recommend her enough! To have the ideal paper, you can get in touch with them. Just make sure to pre sent your instructions for them to begin writing your resume. Formatting may also be a significant part the resume writing process. Make sure to restrict the text of this part. Even though a normal CV could just list relevant bullet points, a STAR-based CV stipulates a concise narrative that provides a much fuller picture of your competencies and the way you've previously place them into practice. Then produce a list of the skills they want you don't have. The STAR technique has turned into a popular choice for interviewers who wish to discover the most proper job candidates. You are going to have very attractive financial damages. I'm not surprised when job seekers in my personal orientation admit that behavioral-based questions are tough to answer, given the simple fact that such a question is intended to get to the center of the applicant. Resumes Planet If you would like to earn maximum exposure to hiring managers, you may choose to find the aid of the service. Dig in deep and be sure that you give enough details about just what you did. Lets Eat Grandma If you want a brand new resume, you can depend on the service. All these works illustrate my capability to prepare high excellent report and documents. They are only one phone call away. Be certain to get in contact only with professional service online. Hearsay, Deception and Star Resume Perhaps your team members are allowed a fixed amount of time they can work at home. Nevertheless, he's on pace to have the sort of season that's been matched by only a number of the game's legends. This m ight consist of things like the quantity of time, the amount of pages, or the form of customer you dealt with. For a superb start, you can have a look at the next. The STAR strategy to putting together a CV stipulates a good framework to work to, and supplies a potent method of succinctly demonstrating your qualities and the way they may be put to practical use at work. Your aim should be to be certain your complete job-seeking presentation enables them to obtain that insight. Instead, think of how you are able to employ your advertising talent to fulfill an organization's goals. Describe the consequence of your actions in business targets. The Dirty Facts About Star Resume For the cost of one Starbucks drink per month, we make sure you are able to connect with the suitable church. The idea of self-esteem has ever been quite elusive to me. Get absolutely free revisions if you'd like something to be improved. Hopefully you may see the template gives an easy means to supply a concise and precise answer. Results Finally, you're going to be requested to describe the outcome. Result Job seekers often neglect to mention the outcomes of the project they worked on. For that reason, it's important to compose brief stories that end with negative outcomes. And that means you name him David. In the interview, you might face questions which take you off guard. The STAR interview technique provides a straightforward format it is possible to utilize to answer behavioral interview questionsthose prompts that ask you to offer a real-life case of how you handled a certain sort of situation on the job before. Follow this step-by-step process to provide the very best STAR interview answers. There's not any way for you to understand beforehand just what the interviewer will ask you (although our list of behavioral interview questions can allow you to make some educated predictions). That's the most significant region of the answer! By producing a matrix, you will be ready to answer the tough questions that come your way during an interview. These forms of interview questions are tough to reply.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Indisputable Reality About Resumesexamples That Nobody Is Telling You

The Indisputable Reality About Resumesexamples That Nobody Is Telling You Actually, you ought to know that a great deal of companies these days are using Applicant Tracking Systems to help them screen resumes and get the best candidates. In the very first line of the expert profile you should deliver the most significant info, which is the fact you're a certified and have experience. Bear in mind, they're looking through hundreds, if not thousands of resumes and the previous thing you wish to do is to hand them a very long document they will have to pour over to receive the info they require. Make certain that the one which you choose highlights your details in an efficient way. You must invest time into each application and be sure that your resume is tailored to every employer and the job which you're applying to. The interview delved into the technical facets of the work and there weren't any inquiries made concerning the personal or behavioral details of the individual cand idate. We focus on education resumes and provide a selection of resume and cover letter packages to fit your needs. Infographic resumes seem nice, but you also have to be concerned about applicant tracking system computer software. The Ugly Side of Resumesexamples You have to know the tips for writing the CV for the place of your interest. In the aforementioned discussion, the 3 interview methods and interview styles a prospective employee may encounter on their journey. Incorporating the right information is critical to obtain the upper hand over your competition. Additionally, there are a few helpful strategies to help you craft a successful resume. The overall manager is one particular step up the corporate chain from a shop manager. Of course you desire your resume to be noticed, but for the most suitable reasonsand you've got to realize that it starts with the very first second someone looks at it. Speaking of unique, the principal aim of your resume is to make you st ick out from the remainder of the folks applying for the exact same job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also called resume verbs). Well, regardless of what stage you're in your career, you're likely to should understand how to make a resume for a job interview and we are likely to demonstrate how! The capacity of good managers to delegate unique responsibilities to employees gives workers a feeling of worth, teamwork, drive, and the chance to learn new skills as each aim is met. You all have experience and techniques that go past the skills necessary for a particular jobyou have to identify your abilities and articulate how they may be used in any occupation. After that, make certain you bring some information regarding something you do extremely well, additional complementary abilities, and any achievements or awards you've been given. A great place to begin is emphasizing your talent for accuracy. In nations such as Australia, the quickest way to immigrate is by obtaining an offer for employment for a service or skill that's in demand in the nation you're taking a look at. Employing an expert profile rather than a career objective is a significant means to rapidly demonstrate a possible employer why they ought to invest more time into reading the remainder of your resume. The simple truth is, acquiring a simple personal website which highlights your abilities and more importantly your personality go a ways to creating a 3 dimensional persona for the hiring manager. There are means to get offers of employment without going through the immigration procedure and one approach in order to do so is through telephone interviews with prospective employers. You get, normally, 10 to 20 seconds to produce a very first impression by means of your resumeso make it count! Make certain they make an extraordinary first impression to offer your value! The issue is, plenty of people don't see it like an art formrather an obligation. General managers oversee quite a few stores in a particular region. Tardiness within this position can result in backed up orders and chaos. There are many choices available that you use to acquire employment in Australia. Do not consist of unpaid, volunteer or charitable work in this part. The Ugly Secret of Resumesexamples Most hiring managers recognize the standard duties and daily tasks of a specific position. If you would like to catch the interest of the hiring manager, you need to give them what they want. It's required for nearly every job. The issue is, each job differs and what each hiring manager is on the lookout for is different. Ensuring your categories are well organized is a fast means to help set you in the yes pile and keep you from the trash pile. If you own a niche region of specialization inside your military branch, share it. Well, a part of software analyzes your resume for sure keyword phrases and provides you a score based how well your resume matches a predetermined collection of keywords chosen by the business you're interviewing with. You can pick any format based on your convenience and need.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Hidden Truth Regarding General Resume Summary Uncovered by an Expert

The Hidden Truth Regarding General Resume Summary Uncovered by an Expert How to Choose General Resume Summary Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write since you likely don't have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify that you know the sort of career you're searching for. An overview of qualifications is utilized to highlight the range of work experiences you've built up as time passes. If you choose to incorporate a quick collection of your skills in place of a resume objective, here's a great place to achieve that. With a summary statement, you can nonetheless emphasize your abilities and accomplishments, but could also highlight your individual brand. Since you have to be concise, it's important to work out what you would like in your next position, which means you know just what skills and experiences to highlight. For those who don't know, a summary statement (also called Summary of Qualifications or just Competencies) essentially contains a small number of pithy and strong statements at the start of your resume that help summarize your abilities and experience for a prospective employer to rapidly receive a feeling of the value you could offer. Enable the experts at Monster help you build a brilliant career. As soon as you determine the skills you wish to concentrate on, do a bit of research and see whether they line up with job requirements listed for the positions you're seeking. A strong summary statement at the peak of your resume can increase the possibility of them noticing what you've got to offer from the beginning. Luckily, there's nothing like a small bit of inspiration to receive your creative juices flowing. To begin with, it has the incorrect focus. When writing your statement, it's important to take into consideration where you're in your professional progression. OurA Sample Resume FormatsA will help direct you through the vital requirements required for a nice and presentable resume with clear layouts which are available for print or download. Our guide to composing your own resume profile is a practical tool if this seems like a route you want to take. There are various sorts of Resume Formats that might be used depending on specific variables that take part in the full application processes. Do not incorporate any drab information within it. Bellow you'll find a CV sample, and precious tips for your job interview. The work description is another good region to use while making your resume. A summary statement is among the simplest methods to custom tailor your resume to fit the requirements of a specific role, without needing to rewrite all the content. Before you choose to apply for work, always make sure your CV is updated. You have to make sure your resume summary statement concisely demonstrates why you're a best candidate for the particular job and business. Based on who you ask and the way you're using it, summary statements can be a whole waste of space or a complete game changer. If you do decide to move forward with a resume summary statement, be sure to take care of it as your own private highlight reel. A summary statement is a brief expert introduction that you could increase the peak of your resume. Your summary of qualifications should incorporate a great variety of examples which make your resume really stick out. 1 A resume summary is a brief, snappy introduction paragraph that gives a summary of your very best work. Now imagine if this SAME resume had had a summary statement on top clearly outlining why you're the ideal candidate. Be certain to tailor your resume summary to the particular job listing. Don't hesitate to browse through our curation and pick the suitable general resume to utilize for the application sample that you are involved in. Although some may think general labor positions are only manual labor, the fact is that several of these jobs require familiarity with computers and software programs. General laborers work in many distinct areas of a manufacturing atmosphere. Besides your experience, you should list a couple of leading skill sets that demonstrate your capacity to control a business and its employees. The major advantage is the fact that it helps your resume stand out. There are 3 basic kinds of resumes that are employed in various application processes. Skilled at operating in a wide array of platforms.